Check out the detailed program
In the program among others:
SLOT is not just another music festival – we offer a few hundred of events varying in their subjects and forms. Still, the factors crucial for our atmosphere are our unique setting and the involvement of over 1000 volunteers.
Everyone coming to SLOT contributes in some way: through buying a ticket, leading a workshop or becoming a part of the festival’s staff. Throughout a couple of days we all conduct a group experiment, discovering how to be creative, work together, communicate more eficiently; how to LIVE for each other and not just for ourselves.
SLOT is a crack on the surface of our daily routines. We have been carving it every July for almost 30 years now. It’s a prototype, however small and ephemeral, of an ideal town. There are residential areas and a communal bathhouse, cafes, restaurants, recital halls, clubs… We have a university and a kindergarden, and even theatre, an art gallery and a cinema.
SLOT is a celebration of sharing our passions, experiences and inspirations.
LOCATION – a usually abandoned monastery, now brimming with life for our special 5 days and nights
PROGRAMME – a couple hundreds of events divided into five sections: workshops, concerts, meetings, shows, locations
PEOPLE – 6000 participants, among them more than 1000 volunteers responsible for the programme and the infrastructure
We offer over 130 workshops lead by our passionate volunteers. You can choose among scenic and musical workshops, handcrafts, sports…
We have it all – from drawing, calligraphy and blacksmithing, through polyphonic singins, ocarina making, air power athletics, copyright law workshop and Brazilian samba, to dendrology, retirement planning and preparing pesto.
Wednesday to Saurday, everyday will greet you with 3 possibilities of trying something new or further broadening your knowledge. It’s an opportunity for the partcipants and workshop leaders alike. Some just need a step back from their daily lives, some will start a new journey.
During SLOT we learn not only to listen, but also to talk and discuss, to understand eachother better.
Every morning and evening dozens of people gather to listen to the meetings with Special Guests. We want to touch what is currently important. This year we will ponder on: good neighborhood with Krzysztof Czyżewski, global changes and narrations with Dariusz Rosiak and Agata Kasprolewicz, we will dream about school with Przemek Staroń and Agata Dutkowska will help us to see what fungi and social networks have in common.
Many of above topics will be discussed futher during lecture series at the Thought Zone, whereas the Dialog Zone you are most welcom to join the discussion. This year we are also officaily opening Psyche Health Zone, where there will be points of contact with both validated psychologists and therapists.
Zone of Social nad Creative Initiatives is returning, extended to both artists and craftsmen.
During workshops in PRO Zone, supported by teams and pro-spirit, we will also help you to begin or change your professional life.
The Encounters Section is concuded by Literary Scene, where poetry is mainly read.
At the Folk Stage this year we will hear mr Józef Broda and every day after the concerts there will also be Folk Soundsystem with tunes from all around the world.
Pytki Doś, Forest Zero, Vito Bambino and Kaśka Sochacka- those are only few from the bands we can listen to every day from 8.30pm on the Main Stage. On the opening nighst Slot Orchestra will perform soundtrack from Nosferatu and on the last day Vionka and Dagadany, our Ukrainian friends will conclude the Festival.
Every evening there will be also concerts in some of the cafes: carefully planned Scena LiveAct or Innovatory Stage.
And after midnight, in dark gothic cathedral we can sample music from Experimental Stage.
Or we attend one of the dancefloors on Club Stage or for the first time Rave Stage.
Musical cherry on the top will be the Saturday performance by SLOT Orchestra- they will realise project of Finnish compser who was inspired from letters of Bonehoffer.
This year there will be two festival cinemas that will fill us with knowledge and fresh thoughts on the world, on the stage of theatre in old Carriage House we will be witnesses to plays such as an unusual Shakespeare adaptation, where the lead actor will be… a dog.
Paintings, photographies and instalations will be available for viewers in gothing ArtCatherdral for 5 days of the festival. Every night there will be spectacular FireShows held right under Plane tree.
The only mooment during SLOT Art Festival there is only one thing happening is midninght. It’s when we all gather around Main Stage to watch another episodes of SlotTV- a highligts of each day of the Festival,
☕ Spots
Those are the places as ArtRoom- “Art of Life” Gallery that is both alive and experimental, “Strefa” tent that will be filled in with spiritual reflections, A Training Ground for Verbal Sports, or Eastern Tent- the place filld with tales of the far worls, tea and whis what is the clue thing in SLOT- spontaneous encounters and long conversations.
This year’s slides and travel workshops along with specila programs will move to new campersite: VanCamp.
There are also places as Gamesroom or Family Campsite- spaces of games, sports and activities for all: toddlers, families with kids as well as the adults wishing to run after the ball of a frisbee.